Tomica 新幹線 Bath Ball(入浴球/入浴劑/ 浴鹽) (款式隨機)
1. Take out the product, tear off the outer film of the bath ball, and put it into the bathtub (200L of water for 1 bath ball).
2. After the bath ball is foamed and dissolved, a cute little doll will appear, please stir the bathtub water evenly to take a bath.
本品為入浴劑,不可食用 ‧內附的玩偶請勿放入口中,以免誤食
200L的水適用1顆沐浴球,請勿過量 ‧若有不適請停止使用 ‧勿置於高溫多濕場所
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