Cut-off on the 30th of each month
4 weeks
Adopting large font with audio description, children can read easily, and at the same time there are vivid drawings to stimulate children's desire to read and explore, and also enhance children's reading, and sensitivity to words, and develop a good habit of reading.
This book is equipped with a variety of interactive games such as flip, push, pull, slide, etc., to add reading fun, and at the same time can also promote the child's hand-eye coordination, so that the child in the reading to add interactivity, the experience of the real world.
This book adopts large open book, thick paper tearing and rounded corners design, suitable for younger children to read, good habits from childhood!
是一套專為孩子設計的品格成長互動遊戲書,每頁擁有不同的互動遊戲機關,如推拉、翻翻等,讓孩子配合故事情節,了解如何保持正面心態, 塑造良好性格。
本書利用淺顯易懂的文字,搭配場合、情境,教導孩子在日常生活中會遇到的情況,並學會保持良好心態,學習遇到困難應該怎麼調整,嘗試使用正面健康的態度來面對。本書內容較多如堅 持、勇敢、責任、自制等抽象的概念,利用貼近生活的的情境設計,使孩子在閱讀中就能感同身受,理解抽象意涵,並同時教授面對不同情況要保持什麼樣的心態,從中學習養成正面樂觀的 態度,成為健康、正向的乖寶寶。
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